+ 34 659823358
We are Eric and Esther and we have found our dream place: Casa Miralejos.
After several years of thinking and exploring how we could realise our dream, we soon knew that our new home had to be in the Jalon Valley. This Valley offers lots of touristic attractions, and we feel at home here.
Nature here in the valley is beautiful, the countryside is peaceful, although there is lots to do. The villages are small and typically Spanish, meaning there are regular “Fiesta’s”. It is a very popular area for walkers and cyclists. There are lots of different beaches and coastal resorts within a 20 to 30 minute car journey.
Having found our ideal area, we started looking for our ideal home. Lots of trial holidays later, all the pieces of the puzzle came together. Our house in the Netherlands was sold and a week later we found Casa Miralejos. And suddenly it was all happening: all the plans now went into action and our big adventure started.
We have worked hard to make it a wonderful place, where we like to receive our guests and to introduce them to the Spanish life that we enjoy so much.
Bienvenido a Casa Miralejos!
+ 34 659823358